The majority of complex GUI applications contain some form of a menu that might contain only an exit function or 20 selections. 大多数复杂的GUI应用程序都包含某种形式的菜单,其中可能仅包含一个退出功能或包含20个选项。
Using Majority Function to Realize Sensorless Brushless DC Motor Control with Back-electromotive Force Filtering 用择多函数实现反电动势滤波的无传感器无刷直流电动机的控制
The great majority of analyses of advertisements concentrated on their contents, and very few on their signal function. 大量对广告的分析,集中在广告传播的内容层面,而较少注意到广告的信号作用。
The majority of students show great indifference to function relationship in their work and life. 较多的学生认识不到存在于生活中的函数关系,用函数解决生活中问题的水平较低。
Until now, many biologists have regarded the majority of the genome as "junk DNA" carried from generation to generation but with no biological function. 到目前为止,许多生物学家已将多数基因组,视为代代相传、却没有生物功能的“垃圾dna”。
The large graph plotter that current home clothing CAD uses the majority is the import equipment, the function is better, but the price is expensive, and the many of them are appropriative. 目前国内服装CAD使用的大型绘图机大多数是国外进口设备,性能较好,但是价格昂贵,而且许多是专用的。
Follow up reported the abnormality rate remaining at 30. 77%. There was peripheral auditory dysfunction in the majority of them, while the brainstem function recovered basically. 随防时异常率仍在30.77%,主要为外周型异常,而脑干功能已基本恢复。
Results The symptoms of dizziness, dyspnoea, and palpitation in the majority of patients were dramatically improved regardless of whether the AF preventive algorithms function was switched on or off after pacemaker implantation. 结果与起搏器置入术前比较,不论抗房颤功能开启与否,绝大多数患者头晕、气短、乏力、心悸等症状明显减轻或消失,运动耐受量改善。
Mainly using interpretive mode, It rounded analysis and research majority function which need realized in decoding module, owing to finiteness of hardware resource in embedded system. 由于嵌入式系统硬件资源的有限性,本论文以解释方式为主全面的分析研究了数控系统中译码模块所要实现的绝大部分功能。
The basic principle of our algorithm is based on such observation that a majority of meaningful solitary wave solutions can be expressed as the polynomial forms in terms of "bell-shaped" function sech and "kink-shaped" function tanh which possessing localized property. 算法的基本原理是基于这样一种观察,即非线性波方程绝大部分有物理意义的孤立波解都可以表示成具有局部性特征的钟状函数-sech和扭状函数-tanh的多项式。
Irregular Solid is the solid which form 'concavity and protruding change can't be described by math formula, For lacking property maths model to the Irregular solid, majority programme and 3-D graphics software don't offer the function of Irregular Solid directly generating. 不规则形体是指其外形的凹凸变化没法用数学公式描述的形体,由于没有适当的数学模型,大多数编程语言和三维图形软件都没有提供不规则形体的直接生成功能。
COM+ has introduced several new core-structure to COM programming world, the majority creational identity attention in enhanced MTS the performance and the function. COM+为COM编程世界引入了几个新的核心结构面,大多数新增的特性注重于提高MTS的性能和功能。
Through criticizing its worship of the minority faction culture and repelling of the majority culture the article reveals the ideological function of the elitist culture and its attempt to control the mass. 通过批判它对于少数派文化的尊崇和对于大众文化的排斥,揭示了精英文化的意识形态功能和控制功能。
Results The majority index of pulmonary function were significantly improved after treatment of hypobaric hypoxia. 结果经低压缺氧治疗后,肺功能指标多数有明显改善。
However, at present, the majority of services released on the internet are simplex in structure and function, witch can not meet the needs of complex applications. 然而,目前网络上发布的服务大多数都存在结构简单、功能单一的缺陷,无法满足企业复杂应用的需求。
Currently, the majority of the embedded system is still in separate application stage, mainly by micro controller for core combine monitoring as well as instruction equipment function. 目前,嵌入式系统主要以微控制器为核心监测指示设备实现功能。
Among the national environmental legal enactment, environmental enforcement is the most important component, serving as the chief means by which the vast majority of environmental laws can function well in various social fields. 在环境法治中,环境执法是其重要的组成部分,它是使大多数的环境法律在社会生活中的各个领域发挥作用的主要途径。
The majority of ancient and famous trees always stand around the houses and they function as wind break and soil fixation. 大多数的古树名木生长在房前屋后,起到防风固土或是美化环境的作用。
In the formulation of the vast majority of abstract administrative acts of administrative regulatory documents, the hearing system is seriously lacked, which make the function of the system can not play and it is also difficult to fully reflect the value of their content. 在占抽象行政行为之绝大部分的行政规范性文件的制定过程中,听证制度的规定与执行更是严重的缺失,使得听证制度的功能不得发挥,亦难以充分体现其应有的价值内涵。
The majority of overweight patients have a NAFLD, there is often accompanied increasing blood lipids, liver function with elevated ALT found. 脂肪肝患者大多超重,常伴有血脂增高,肝功能以ALT升高多见。
In China, the majority of religions belong to diffused religion, which performs a universal function in every part of social life. 中国的民间宗教大多属于弥散型宗教,在中国社会生活几乎每一主要的方面都履行着一种普遍的功能。
Preoperative majority of thyroid ultrasound, thyroid function, thyroid autoantibodies and other checks. 术前患者大部分接受了甲状腺超声、甲状腺功能、甲状腺自身抗体等检查。
The warrant which was favored for the majority of investors has a rapid development over the past decade as a function of the unique derivative securities products and financial innovation tool on the capital market. 权证作为资本市场上一种功能独特的证券衍生产品及金融创新工具,近十年来,在全球范围内迅速发展并为广大投资者所青睐。
The majority of the buildings have irrational structure, inadequate facilities, or single function and operation modes. Most of them have not been used comprehensively and some even become the local governments 'financial burdens. 而且绝大部分体育建筑建设结构不合理、设施提供不完备,功能和经营模式单一,没有实现综合利用,有的甚至成为当地政府的财政负担。
The algorithm, with excellent features such as automatic adjustment of the number of groups, real coding and others, can effectively extract the vast majority of the objective function local peak. 该算法能够有效提取出目标函数的绝大部分局部峰值,并具备群体数量自动调节和实数编码等优良特性,但有时会出现早熟现象。
Media as the connection of government and the majority of the audience is the most direct and important channel of information dissemination, and reflects the function of public opinion is very important. 媒体作为连接政府与广大受众最直接和关键的渠道,对信息的传播及体现的舆论功能都很重要。
The majority of P-gp inhibitors are passed directly with P-gp drug binding sites, competitive or noncompetitive inhibit the function of P-gp. 目前开发的P-gp抑制剂多数都是通过,直接与P-gp上药物结合位点作用,竞争性或非竞争性地抑制P-gp转运药物。
Disease later period, because the renal glomerulus majority is damaged causes the kidney function failure, the most prognoses are bad. 疾病晚期,因肾小球大部分被损坏导致肾功能衰竭,多数预后较差。